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NAIDOC Week Poster Competition

NAIDOC is one of the most significant Australian committees that bring together Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders for an artistic meet with attractive cash rewards. NAIDOC, which stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee, is an association that dates back to the 1920s and aims to celebrate the cultural diversity of the Australian subcontinent. 

To improve awareness, the NAIDOC committee has been organizing a nationwide poster-making competition that invites artists from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. NAIDOC Week – Australians together is a platform for all 13 years and above to showcase their artwork and gain national recognition and a cash prize of 10,000 Australian dollars. The winners earn a permanent spot in the NAIDOC history and a front-page cover in the weekly poster. 

In this article, we will be looking at the importance of NAIDOC week and knowing about the people who make up the national NAIDOC committee.     

An Award For Great Artwork And Culture

NAIDOC Week – Australians together marks the protests of the Aboriginal people against the celebrations of Australia Day. Since 1955 the first Sunday in July has been celebrated as the Aborigines Day, where the native people celebrate their culture and origins. When the NAIDOC committee was established officially in 1956, the second Sunday of July was named the remembrance day for the sacrifices of Aboriginal people. 

Since then, the entire week between the first Sunday and the second Sunday in July has been celebrated as the NAIDOC week. The poster-making competition provides an award for the most innovative designs every year, and the theme varies every year. For 2022, the NAIDOC week theme is “Get Up!” It is set to happen from the 3rd to the 10th of July. The event ends with a grand ball where people travel to countries and states to meet with their ancestors and reconnect with families and other community members. 

Apart from poster designing, there are a lot of events that one can do during the NAIDOC week; some of the activities are as follows, 

  • Start a hall of fame for Aboriginal role models and speak about their struggles and achievements.
  • Listen to Aboriginal music or watch a documentary about Aboriginal history to know more about the culture and the reason for their constant protests. 
  • Refer to libraries for books on Aboriginal history and come to a stand of your own
  • Invite Aboriginal elders from around the village to speak at conferences in schools and colleges to empower the youth   

National NAIDOC Committee

The national NAIDOC Committee(NNC) comprises all indigenous members and is independent of any political influence. They are responsible for deciding what actions should occur during NAIDOC week – Australians together and are responsible for planning and hosting the event. In 2020, Shannan Dodson joined existing member JP Janke as a Co-Chair, and they have been in that position since. 


NAIDOC week poster competition is a big event that celebrates the indigenous Aboriginal cultures and practices. It rose as protests from the indigenous people for getting marginalized, and now it is an annual event well renowned worldwide. 


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